Waiting on a Bridge of Maggots
“Once again Robert White proves himself to be one of the most intelligent and inventive crime writers around. In Waiting on a Bridge of Maggots he propels his reader and characters with precise and heartfelt prose through increasingly extreme predicaments, wringing every drop of truth and entertainment from the situations he creates. No one else working today crafts such fully-realized characters and puts them through so much strife. This is an explosive classic told at a frightening pace. You won't put it down until the very last word and you won't soon forget it, either.”
-- Christopher Black, editor, Number Thirteen Press
Waiting on a Bridge of Maggots
More noir than crime, this work features an ordinary, middle-class citizen caught up in a vortex of dangerous behaviors and encounters as he succumbs to an overwhelming personal tragedy.
"In Maggots author Robert White departs from his usual oeuvre, noir detective fiction, to delve into the life of a man who loses all the underpinnings of his life, his certainties and assumptions, and tilts toward his own self destruction. After losing his wife and children in a private plane crash while on a vacation with his neighbor, who survives the crash, the "hero" of the novel (hero only in the sense that he survives his dissolution by mental and physical struggle) learns much about who his wife really was. With each revelation, another piece of the hero's foundation crumbles. His downward course seems improbable until the reader realizes at the end that the man's loss could not be assuaged without great struggle. White's narrative is a wonderful trip into an altered reality that the reader can imagine as his own, if he were to suffer a similar seismic loss. Well done, Robert White!" --D. M. Fuqua
Waiting on a Bridge of Maggots is a hard look at a successful man deteriorating from the quicksand of circumstance, magnified by a malignant self-sabotage. The author, Robert White, illustrates a tale of external tragedy and its intrinsic consequences, while navigating readers through a murky world of existential dilemma. Conflict abruptly unfolds, then gradually escalates, while the protagonist tries to find a semblance of meaning. Instead, a fog thickens as we learn just how low and deep he will reach into himself, and what he finds within the pit of a psyche desperate for a sense of balance.--Frank Rocca